THANK GOD IT'S FRIDAY!!! 1st week of school - DONE - All RA paperwork - STAMPED COMPLETE - Cross-Country 7 mile recovery run - FINISHED - so what's left then??? Why, how about an outdoor movie on the golf course showing Pirates of the Caribbean: On stranger tides!!! WOOHOO!! yup, good stuff ;D We also received our agendas for the year and they're looking awesome! Goodness, it's been a long, tiring week, but in a good way. I've been active, busy, and excited for the next day!!! Though, I really cannot wait for labor day weekend :P hehe
My favorite class so far has to be Forensic Psychology. I freaken LOVE it. My professor is new, but she's awesome, she used to work for the FBI as a Forensic Psychologist and that's what I want to go into so it's neat hearing her experiences and learning from them and really seeing the world in a different way.
What else... My RA duties can be a bit overwhelming but it pays off. I haven't caught anyone... yet ;) Running cross-country definitely makes me look forward to my bed at night but I really do think I'm in the best shape of my life, this early in the season :D Air Force ROTC on Tuesday was exciting, going back and seeing all your cadet friends and hearing stories of field training. It did suck though because all I could do was listen, not chime in with stories of my own about field training since I couldn't go this summer due to that broken elbow incident... which by the way is all healed up! I can straighten out my arm now!! :D I am so happy I can!
Alrighty, well I better leave off this that, the movie is gonna start soon and I gotta get a good spot!
Friday, August 26, 2011
Saturday, August 20, 2011
1... 2... 3... CLEAR!!
So the Trine University campus has revamped and come back to life!!! :D The freshmen are all moved in, fall athletes are good to go, and one more wave of returning students is scheduled to hit us at exactly 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. Are we ready? Why, we were born to be ready!! haha The Resident Life staff has been doing an amazing job making this a smooth and painless beginning for the year ;) Being an RA has really opened my eyes to all the work and effort it takes to make this move-in process happen! It's crazy :P But if was great having fraternity brothers, sorority sisters and CCH (Christan Campus House) members help people move in. Seriously, it took maybe one load to get a student's stuff all in their room, just because of all the help we had, it was awesome! We just got done going through some orientation stuff at the ARC for the freshmen. And i'll tell ya what, I am EXHAUSTED! I took a power nap like an hour ago, but whew, am i whooped! The XC girls went out on a run this morning at 7:30 around the golf course, that was fun :P *note the sarcasm* but it was nice getting the run done and over with for the day so I wouldn't have to worry about doing it after all the crazyness with move-in.
Ah well, I better go, din-din is coming up and then.... PIZZA WARS!!! yummy in my tummy :)
Peace Out dudes
Ah well, I better go, din-din is coming up and then.... PIZZA WARS!!! yummy in my tummy :)
Peace Out dudes
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Bring On the Calvary!!!
RA training has been non stop!! I've met such amazing people holding the same position as me and it's been a blast ;D Tammy Bowen is doing an amazing job putting on this entire RA orientation *stands up and applauds*
I am so exhausted though, whew, lots of work ahead of me. :P I've got some programming out of the way, a ROTC meet and greet set up, and my life planned out for the next 6 weeks, get ready Bukoff residents, it's gonna be a wild ride!!! :D
hmmmm.... what else.... OH! Comic Con in Chicago, aka Nerd Fest :P haha It was a BLAST!!! My costume dudes, turned out amazing!! I was babydoll from sucker punch the movie. You probably don't know who that is... just google it :P It seriously was an under rated movie, but it was so AWESOME!!! Best movie I've ever seen dudes!! But yeah, Comic Con was dah shiz ;D I totally cried when I had to leave. I mean, it was 4 days of stardom. Paparazzi were all over taking pictures from when we 1st arrived to when we left that night, it was awesome. I was disappointed in returning back to the "normal" world, but halloween will be around soon enough ;D
Alrighty, well imma catch some shut eye, but I'll check back in soon. The madness will soon begin :O
Peace Out
I am so exhausted though, whew, lots of work ahead of me. :P I've got some programming out of the way, a ROTC meet and greet set up, and my life planned out for the next 6 weeks, get ready Bukoff residents, it's gonna be a wild ride!!! :D
hmmmm.... what else.... OH! Comic Con in Chicago, aka Nerd Fest :P haha It was a BLAST!!! My costume dudes, turned out amazing!! I was babydoll from sucker punch the movie. You probably don't know who that is... just google it :P It seriously was an under rated movie, but it was so AWESOME!!! Best movie I've ever seen dudes!! But yeah, Comic Con was dah shiz ;D I totally cried when I had to leave. I mean, it was 4 days of stardom. Paparazzi were all over taking pictures from when we 1st arrived to when we left that night, it was awesome. I was disappointed in returning back to the "normal" world, but halloween will be around soon enough ;D
Alrighty, well imma catch some shut eye, but I'll check back in soon. The madness will soon begin :O
Peace Out
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Ready or not.... RA I Become!!!
Yep so today was the first day of RA training. From sun up to sun down, it's been all about learning my responsibilities, the expectation, and just gathering the ropes to what it takes to be an RA. and dude, I'm super excited for this position :D Tammy has been awesome by welcoming all of us newbies with open arms and even inviting us over to her house to help prepare lunch and dinner and playing a game of woofleball with the other soon-to-be RAs :) It's been exciting, and I'm sorry I have to make this one short, but I'm totally whipped from today and gotta hit the hay. But I just wanted to let you guys know, so far so good ;) It's weird living on campus and being the only person in the building haha
*yawn* goodness I'm pooped, but before I go, just to let everyone know, there is now a bridge on campus that connects the University Center (known better as the UC) to the Stadium. Yep, pretty crazy, but it looks cool :D
Alrighty, I'm peacing out, chat with ya later ;)
*yawn* goodness I'm pooped, but before I go, just to let everyone know, there is now a bridge on campus that connects the University Center (known better as the UC) to the Stadium. Yep, pretty crazy, but it looks cool :D
Alrighty, I'm peacing out, chat with ya later ;)
Saturday, July 30, 2011
3... 2... 1... wha????
Wow, this is my last free weekend of summer vacation :( the countdown is just zooming on by and I'm having a hard time playing catch up. On the agenda these coming weeks are:
31st-4th = Work nonstop on the costume and get my hair dyed platinum blonde!!!
5th-8th = Move-in and RA training
9th&10th = Finish anything that isn't done with the costume
11th-14th = CHICAGO COMIC CON!!!!!!!
and after that it's more RA training, xc practices and finally school starting.... i guess somewhere in there I should have "order books" listed, but that may have to wait since comic con is getting perdy expensive erg!
Besides, it's actually not a bad idea to wait to order your books a week after school starts so that you can see which professors recommend earlier editions or maybe say they probably won't need the book at all (slim chance but hey! could save ya 50 bucks) I actually didn't buy a single book the fall semester of my sophomore year. I had friends that had either taken the class before and had a book, or they were taking the class at a different time, so I just borrowed books all semester. And, in the chance that I couldn't get a book, like for exam week, I simply asked the professor if I could borrow one of his text books to use to study for the final and he told me I shoulda asked him from the beginning of the semester! The school just gives him the books for free and he doesn't use the older editions so he happily loaned me one of his :) See? You get creative when you're broke ;P haha
A big thing besides finishing up my costume is.... PACKING!!!
That's gonna take a few days haha I had a futon my freshmen and sophomore year and I really want it again this year, but our family van is broken so there's no way we can haul it down there this year :( So I gotta think of an alternative, a CHEAP alternative fast.... hmmmm..... ah well, I'll hopefully come up with something... I just hate using my desk for doing homework or working on my laptop. I find it more comfortable and relaxing lounging on my futon with all my stuff just right on my lap. That's how it works for me. but now.... what to do :/ hmmmmm. suíbiàn níyǎ!!! haha I'm not even sure if that's the right pinyin for it, but it's supposed to mean "whatever" in chinese :P so yeah, whatever i'll figure something out.... hopefully
besides that, just got a lot of clothes, bedding, comic merch, captain america awesomeness, ummmm... tv, uniforms, did I mention captain america awesomeness??? haha and oh! my vibram fivefingers! can't forget them ;) I hope my roomie is ready for this haha I think my packing list just about describes me in a nutshell :P
What else... OH! I just got an email from our new Cross-Country and Men's Head Track&Field Coach! His name is Coach Massi, he's coming from Tiffin Ohio and he emailed all of us interested athletes his philosophy and it's made me truly excited for this season! He really emphasizes teamwork and strengthening not just physically but even more-so mentally which is what I totally, TOTALLY am all about when it comes to running: Team and Mind. That's all you need, if you don't have that, then you lose out physically. so yup, looks like it's gonna be a good year dudes!
Gah!!! I have so many plans and ideas for this year! I wanna start a group on campus: Empowering Women Globally (EWG) My sister started the group at her school at Florida State Univ. a couple years ago and I think it'd be really cool to the expand the group to Trine. Since Trine's specialty is engineering, college is the time to go out and use your mind for cool projects around the world and I think it'll be a great way to get engineering students out there to do just that. And keep in mind, EWG isn't just for women, men are highly HIGHLY recommended and encouraged to join! So yep, that's one thing I have in mind. I have a lot of things in store for the ROTC program, I simply couldn't write them all out right now, I'm still formulating some thoughts haha Then of course, I'm RA-ing this year so that'll keep me busy, on top of cross-country and my 18 credit hours so yeah... cross your fingers I don't lose my mind! haha :P
Alrighty, well I've taken enough of a break, I need to get back to cutting, pinning, thinking, more cutting, sewing, throwing away, re-cutting, and the cycle goes on and on :P Later dudes
31st-4th = Work nonstop on the costume and get my hair dyed platinum blonde!!!
5th-8th = Move-in and RA training
9th&10th = Finish anything that isn't done with the costume
11th-14th = CHICAGO COMIC CON!!!!!!!
and after that it's more RA training, xc practices and finally school starting.... i guess somewhere in there I should have "order books" listed, but that may have to wait since comic con is getting perdy expensive erg!
Besides, it's actually not a bad idea to wait to order your books a week after school starts so that you can see which professors recommend earlier editions or maybe say they probably won't need the book at all (slim chance but hey! could save ya 50 bucks) I actually didn't buy a single book the fall semester of my sophomore year. I had friends that had either taken the class before and had a book, or they were taking the class at a different time, so I just borrowed books all semester. And, in the chance that I couldn't get a book, like for exam week, I simply asked the professor if I could borrow one of his text books to use to study for the final and he told me I shoulda asked him from the beginning of the semester! The school just gives him the books for free and he doesn't use the older editions so he happily loaned me one of his :) See? You get creative when you're broke ;P haha
A big thing besides finishing up my costume is.... PACKING!!!
That's gonna take a few days haha I had a futon my freshmen and sophomore year and I really want it again this year, but our family van is broken so there's no way we can haul it down there this year :( So I gotta think of an alternative, a CHEAP alternative fast.... hmmmm..... ah well, I'll hopefully come up with something... I just hate using my desk for doing homework or working on my laptop. I find it more comfortable and relaxing lounging on my futon with all my stuff just right on my lap. That's how it works for me. but now.... what to do :/ hmmmmm. suíbiàn níyǎ!!! haha I'm not even sure if that's the right pinyin for it, but it's supposed to mean "whatever" in chinese :P so yeah, whatever i'll figure something out.... hopefully
besides that, just got a lot of clothes, bedding, comic merch, captain america awesomeness, ummmm... tv, uniforms, did I mention captain america awesomeness??? haha and oh! my vibram fivefingers! can't forget them ;) I hope my roomie is ready for this haha I think my packing list just about describes me in a nutshell :P
What else... OH! I just got an email from our new Cross-Country and Men's Head Track&Field Coach! His name is Coach Massi, he's coming from Tiffin Ohio and he emailed all of us interested athletes his philosophy and it's made me truly excited for this season! He really emphasizes teamwork and strengthening not just physically but even more-so mentally which is what I totally, TOTALLY am all about when it comes to running: Team and Mind. That's all you need, if you don't have that, then you lose out physically. so yup, looks like it's gonna be a good year dudes!
Gah!!! I have so many plans and ideas for this year! I wanna start a group on campus: Empowering Women Globally (EWG) My sister started the group at her school at Florida State Univ. a couple years ago and I think it'd be really cool to the expand the group to Trine. Since Trine's specialty is engineering, college is the time to go out and use your mind for cool projects around the world and I think it'll be a great way to get engineering students out there to do just that. And keep in mind, EWG isn't just for women, men are highly HIGHLY recommended and encouraged to join! So yep, that's one thing I have in mind. I have a lot of things in store for the ROTC program, I simply couldn't write them all out right now, I'm still formulating some thoughts haha Then of course, I'm RA-ing this year so that'll keep me busy, on top of cross-country and my 18 credit hours so yeah... cross your fingers I don't lose my mind! haha :P
Alrighty, well I've taken enough of a break, I need to get back to cutting, pinning, thinking, more cutting, sewing, throwing away, re-cutting, and the cycle goes on and on :P Later dudes
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
I'm baaaaack!!! haha Sorry dudes for not posting in a while. I've been working nonstop on my costume for Chicago Comic Con, working with new freshmen ROTC cadets to get them all scheduled and cleared, and SOAR week wore me out!! haha It was good though. I could only make it to 2 of the 4 days of SOAR, but I was able to nab like 4 new incoming cadets. 3 are dudes, and one chic!!! I am ecstatic!!! it's gonna be a fun year, I have a lot of goodie in store ;)
And updates on my fractured arm! I just saw my orthopedist today and he.... cleared me for physical training!!! woot woot!!! CELEBRATE!! so i'm all good to go this next year at ROTC. cross your fingers I don't break something again :O steeple chase is out unfortunately :'((((( I really loved that race, but I can't put everything at stake again like that, so I'm sorry dear steeple chase, but it looks like I'll be enjoying you from the stands, dry! haha
What else.... oh! I'm doing cross-country this year! I did it freshmen year and just really missed the team feeling I had my senior year in cross-country so I decided to take a break from it my sophomore year and well, my coach has talked me back into joining. and i'm totally psyched! I got these awesome new shoes! look at these:
Cool right?? haha they're AMAZING!!! Seriously. Okay so here's my marketing side coming out (I've actually talked in numerous people into getting these and they are all surprised at how well they work!) These Vibram FiveFingers (This is the KSO model) force you to run how you naturally should run, on your toes. This way it takes the pressure off your knees and hips and strengthens your feet, ankles and calves (not to mention the quads!) more so than a regular tennis shoe would. You see, tennis shoes make you do a heel strike run, whereas these keep you on your toes for a smoother, more enjoyable run :) I love them. I run on trails, through water, on roads, paved sidewalks, rocky graveled trails, and never once have a rolled my ankle! They're amazing and I can feel myself getting in much better shape from them. They've made me look forward to running everyday! So dudes, get these! Yeah... they're a bit pricey, but for starters I'd go for these, the KSO model. They're the cheapest and the original model they started with. I'm eventually gonna buy the Bikilas:

Even cooler right? haha these are more expensive, but I think they'll be great for the Disney Marathon I plan to run in January 2012 :D
But till then, I'm working these KSO right into the ground and they're AWESOME!! highly highly recommended ;) maybe I can talk in my whole team into getting a pair haha
Alrighty, dinner is about ready and I'm hungry!! :P I'll chat with you guys soon ;) RA training starts next month!! get ready!! :D
-Peace Out-
And updates on my fractured arm! I just saw my orthopedist today and he.... cleared me for physical training!!! woot woot!!! CELEBRATE!! so i'm all good to go this next year at ROTC. cross your fingers I don't break something again :O steeple chase is out unfortunately :'((((( I really loved that race, but I can't put everything at stake again like that, so I'm sorry dear steeple chase, but it looks like I'll be enjoying you from the stands, dry! haha
What else.... oh! I'm doing cross-country this year! I did it freshmen year and just really missed the team feeling I had my senior year in cross-country so I decided to take a break from it my sophomore year and well, my coach has talked me back into joining. and i'm totally psyched! I got these awesome new shoes! look at these:
Cool right?? haha they're AMAZING!!! Seriously. Okay so here's my marketing side coming out (I've actually talked in numerous people into getting these and they are all surprised at how well they work!) These Vibram FiveFingers (This is the KSO model) force you to run how you naturally should run, on your toes. This way it takes the pressure off your knees and hips and strengthens your feet, ankles and calves (not to mention the quads!) more so than a regular tennis shoe would. You see, tennis shoes make you do a heel strike run, whereas these keep you on your toes for a smoother, more enjoyable run :) I love them. I run on trails, through water, on roads, paved sidewalks, rocky graveled trails, and never once have a rolled my ankle! They're amazing and I can feel myself getting in much better shape from them. They've made me look forward to running everyday! So dudes, get these! Yeah... they're a bit pricey, but for starters I'd go for these, the KSO model. They're the cheapest and the original model they started with. I'm eventually gonna buy the Bikilas:
Even cooler right? haha these are more expensive, but I think they'll be great for the Disney Marathon I plan to run in January 2012 :D
But till then, I'm working these KSO right into the ground and they're AWESOME!! highly highly recommended ;) maybe I can talk in my whole team into getting a pair haha
Alrighty, dinner is about ready and I'm hungry!! :P I'll chat with you guys soon ;) RA training starts next month!! get ready!! :D
-Peace Out-
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Get ready to SOAR!
Yo dudes, so SOAR week at Trine Univeristy is gonna start in T-minus 2 days!! Woohoo!! I will be attending, to talk about the AFROTC program and all that good stuff ;) hehe. Unfortunately, I won't be able to drive there everyday for it this year, only for Tuesday and potentially Friday. I LOVE, and I mean whole-heartedly LOVE talking to anyone about the ROTC program, goodness, I could talk your ear right off! But I have a job to go to, and gas isn't the cheapest for a starving college student, but i'll try to make it to 2 of the days this upcoming week! :)
SOAR week is just a time when the new freshmen come to Trine, meet their coaches, sign up for classes, say hi to their new roommates, it's just a big WELCOME! And it's always a blast to see. I'm thinking of wear my ABU's (camofluagh) one of the days, that uniform is a lot easier than the others to put on :P I just hope no one gets intimidated... then I have absolutely no one to talk to the entire day about the program. Those are the worst. But, who am I kidding? Just me wearing a military uniform kinda makes people refuse to make eye contact with me, is it because they think I'll ambush them and try to convince their son or daughter to fight for their country?? hahahahaha yeah right :P How I would love to get everyone to join, I'm not out their to recruit every individual. The first step that potential cadets have to take is to come up to me first. Not the other way around. The military isn't cut out for everyone, heck! out of all my relatives and family, I'm only the 3rd person in the military! So I know that everyone doesn't get this butterfly feeling in their heart whenever the National Anthem is played. That's why I wish people understood that making eye contact with me doesn't mean that I think they want to join, it makes me feel human! and not invisible to world. ;)
Well I'm totally excited for the week ahead and will keep you informed on any new updates with the ROTC program at Trine ;)
In other news, Insanity Workout is kicking my booty yet again. We had the Fit Test for the 2nd time yesterday and I improved on every exercise! yayayaya! We still have to measure and weigh ourselves, but I'm just taking in the fulfillment of beating my last numbers and that I am getting stronger! :DDDD
I just received news that our distance coach at Trine has retired :( Coach Doyle was an awesome coach and I wish him all the best! He was able to strengthen the mind and the body in all his runners and he wasn't too bad himself at running ;) So Doyle, all I have left to say is, Peace Out!
SOAR week is just a time when the new freshmen come to Trine, meet their coaches, sign up for classes, say hi to their new roommates, it's just a big WELCOME! And it's always a blast to see. I'm thinking of wear my ABU's (camofluagh) one of the days, that uniform is a lot easier than the others to put on :P I just hope no one gets intimidated... then I have absolutely no one to talk to the entire day about the program. Those are the worst. But, who am I kidding? Just me wearing a military uniform kinda makes people refuse to make eye contact with me, is it because they think I'll ambush them and try to convince their son or daughter to fight for their country?? hahahahaha yeah right :P How I would love to get everyone to join, I'm not out their to recruit every individual. The first step that potential cadets have to take is to come up to me first. Not the other way around. The military isn't cut out for everyone, heck! out of all my relatives and family, I'm only the 3rd person in the military! So I know that everyone doesn't get this butterfly feeling in their heart whenever the National Anthem is played. That's why I wish people understood that making eye contact with me doesn't mean that I think they want to join, it makes me feel human! and not invisible to world. ;)
Well I'm totally excited for the week ahead and will keep you informed on any new updates with the ROTC program at Trine ;)
In other news, Insanity Workout is kicking my booty yet again. We had the Fit Test for the 2nd time yesterday and I improved on every exercise! yayayaya! We still have to measure and weigh ourselves, but I'm just taking in the fulfillment of beating my last numbers and that I am getting stronger! :DDDD
I just received news that our distance coach at Trine has retired :( Coach Doyle was an awesome coach and I wish him all the best! He was able to strengthen the mind and the body in all his runners and he wasn't too bad himself at running ;) So Doyle, all I have left to say is, Peace Out!
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