So, I'm going to refrain from using too many CAPS in this entry, but OMFG THIS WEEKEND WAS THE BEST WEEKEND EVAHHHHH!!!!!!
But first, I want to update you quickly on Tuesday's Drill Lab I was freaking out over. So, well I survived! yesss.... :P It was as difficult as I expected to be, but I was able to call all 10 commands in the given time so, thank god!!! :DDD Yes, I messed up, I marched outside the the boundaries, made a few wrong calls, but ya know what??? it was my first drill lab, so I think I did perdy well considering it was my first time calling. so yep! an overall success :))))
Alrighty, so on to this weekend... The Detroit Fanfare was AWESOME!!!! So again, I dressed up as Ms Marvel and here's a picture of me with the man of the hour: STAN LEE!!!
It was 70 bucks to just get a picture with the man, but my cousin and I split the cost, so really it was only 35 bucks, and come on, the guy isn't gonna live for much longer (he's 88!!!) and it's just really awesome to get a picture with the guy!!! :DDDD totally worth it, I dont regret it for one second. So yep as you can tell I dressed up and boy oh boy were the cameras going off!!! People left and right asked if they could take a picture of me, it was weird at first and I was like, "Ummm, sure!" and I'd like strike a pose and hope to god I don't look like a retard, but as the day went on, I just got used to it and it was fun posing to the cameras, being macho haha.
So after the picture and being chased by paparazzi fans, I headed off to the autograph line to get my comic book signed by him (cost 40 bucks for this, but again, totally worth it!!!).... my book of choice??? Captain America Vol 5 Issue #600. Yeah, I know that's nothing special, he didn't create Captain America though he did help write issues back in the day, but it's not an oldie comic of his that's already worth a pretty penny and with having a signature on it would spark the value greatly, nope it's not a comic like that, but it's special to me. Captain America is my absolute favorite hero of all time and to have Stan the Man sign a comic book of a hero that's a symbol of this country, then, that's totally worth it to me. It's not about the value of the comic or how much more valuable it will be, naw, not to me at least. As a matter of fact, I already have a comic signed by him. But this comic, issue #600, symbolizes the strength and evolution of the comic world, and Captain America. Gosh, there's just sooo much meaning to him signing that issue, I can't even get it all down, gosh!!! it was just incredible!! I couldn't even say anything to him when I got up there!!! haha I always read that in stories how people just freeze up and can't say anything and now I'm like, "Yep, totally know how that feels like." haha But luckily my mother was there (she dressed up as Wonder Woman, totally pulled it off too!! haha) to say my words for me, "Stan, thank you for giving my daughter a dream to live for." Stan Lee looks up from writing his signature and blows us a kiss and waves us goodbye, and he called me "Dear" ahhhhH!!!!! *nearly faints* I can hardly believe it right now that that totally happened!!!! OMFG OMFG OMFG OMFG!!!!! :OOOOOOO And I'm not even done!!! Here's a picture of it:

So, after clutching on to my signature autographed comic book, and almost fainting several times, my mother and I head up to the second floor to meet up with my twin, Rebecca - dressed up as BatGirl, and my roommate, Elle - she went as Poison Ivy, to.... give blood!! come on, we're heroes here, gotta save lives!! so yep, we all gave blood and by doing so we were allowed to pick 50 comic books from the 30,000 comics donated there!! oh my goodness I could've been there all week and still wouldn't have been fully satisfied with my selection, but I only had an hour or so to work with so I had to act quick. :P Well, at least half were all Captain America, then I nabbed as many Ms Marvel comics I could find and a few others. I was happy with them all! and, as I was doing allllll of that, people were taking pictures of me looking at the comics!!! ca-razyness!!! haha.
Ahhhhhh.... that was a guuuuur-RATE day :) My roommate, twin, and mother all had a fabulous time too, even though they are not huge comic fans like me, it was great to see that they were enjoying it all just as much as me, so that really made the day all the better seeing them laugh and have a fun time :) We all got tons of pictures with people too. Iron Man, War Machine, Spiderman, Nick Fury, and soooo many more people were there that we got to take awesome pictures with.
It's something I totally will do again in a heartbeat!! :D I just remember, when we first pulled up to the place, we couldn't see anyone in costume and my twin was just freaking out, thinking we'd be the only ones dressed up. pffff.... come on, it's a comic convention!!! there were so many people dressed up as heroes, villains, zombies, anything! it was great.
Whoa, I better call this post good, even though it only scrapes the top layer of the entire day, so much happened, gah!!! if I try to type everything out, it'd be a novel so I'll save your eyes the exercise and say Detroit Fanfare = BEST THING THAT EVER HAPPENED TO ME :D
So Yep, my Halloween weekend was a HUGE success and I can only hope yours is too!!! :)))