Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Snow Globe!!

Trine, i've figured out, is a snow globe. It's been snowing since December 1st and always when you think the snow has stopped and settled, Trine University is given a little shake and then BAM! a ton of snow falls from the sky! And, it's not like we're getting tremendous amounts of snow, even though it's been snowing for like 8 days straight, so it must be a snow globe, the snow just gets tossed right back up in the sky to only fall to the ground and complete the cycle again with the next shake of the Trine University snow globe!

So, I've officially successfully completed 3 semesters of Air Force ROTC, with this being my 1st semester as an AS200 (Sophomore/2nd year cadet). Only one more to go guys and soon to be 2 more female cadets! We can make it ;) I'm really looking forward to the new semester after break and have a lot of things I already want to start on, so be ready for some crazy action this next semester! We had our Dinning In Ceremony last night at AFROTC where, in LLAB, all of us cadets get together to eat, reflect on the semester, Grog fellow cadets (I'll explain that in a moment), and finally, listen to our guest speak who was Major Hart of the USMC.
Okay, so the Grog. What that is, well, picture this:
A Punch Bowl
- Now, pour 1/2 of a 2 liter Sprite
- Add in 2 Red Bulls
> Then the flight's get to come up and pour in their own ingedients such as:
> Pasta Sauce
> Mentos
> Caramel Topping Sauce
> Smarties
> A Protein Shake mix
> Coca Cola
> Monsters
> Pepper
.... and that's about all I can remember. So why the heck are we doing this?? Well, to Grog people! If you know any cadet that might have worn their uniform wrong, came to class late, forgot to salute, anything that they did wrong you can Grog them for that by making up a limerick which is a 5 line poem: AABBA. If they rebuttal, they must recite a limerick to rebuttal the grog and instead make the person who initiated the call to be the one to drink. Though, rebuttals are very rare since most cadets don't know if they are to be Groged or not, so everyone is antsy when someone calls out a limerick. I came out clean this semester, but that doesn't mean I'm out of the woods! Got 2 more years to cover my back! haha
So after the grog (no one puked, surprisingly) Major Hart gave a speech about the 10 things a leader must be. It was very inspirational, almost so much so, if he had a sign-up sheet to join the Marines right then and there, I might have picked up the pen, but.... my heart is with the Air Force and I can say, I'd rather be no where else :) I'm glad they got me when they did! But again, Major Hart was a great speaker, defiantly a Marine at heart. 26 years and counting he's been in the service, with 12 of them enlisted which made me look even more up to the guy. He was great and wow, I can't even begin to explain what he opened my eyes to, but one thing i can say that he did, was ignite this spark inside me, so next semester, I'm going all out. Yeyah!

Alrighty, so I think I'm starting to get carpal tunnel in my arm from typing so many essays and blogs this week, so adios! zai jian! auf wiedersehen! and finally, peace out :)


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