Buuuurrrrrr!!!! So, it's Spring on the Trine Campus, and I'm not too impressed Mother Nature. I'm still clutching tightly to my leather jacket as I walk to class during the day because of that frigid wind whipping around! Grrrr, it better warm up soon! I wanna break out the shorts as soon as I can :P I'm in withdrawals from my spring-break in Florida :D
Alrighty, so on with the up and up around campus! Let's see, I went to the QPR (Question Persuade Refer) Suicide Prevention Seminar on last Wed. that the Trine University counselor was hosting and it went really well! I liked how they made us role play to put us in those type of situations and see how we react. I thought I would be fine and do everything by the book... but yeah, it didn't go some much that way :P I mean, once you hear those words "I want to kill myself" you just freeze! You feel afraid to say anything to them because maybe it'll make it worse or something, but ultimately from what I learned, if you listen to them, without any interruptions, then persuade them out of hurting themselves and refer them to a counselor, pastor, professor, anyone you know that may help them out, is the best way to go about it. Just, putting all those things in motion are hard, and at the seminar luckily I had the counselor to help me through the whole process, so I came out rewarded. I feel more prepared now and am not afraid to ask someone who I think may be at risk, "Do you feel like killing yourself?" So yeah! Though, it was a very deep topic, I felt comfortable learning about everything because I am going into Psychology and in the Air Force where suicide is ever so increasing year after year, and with me being an RA next semester, I can be prepared to address these situations now and in the future. :)
Well, to lighten the mood, I had a great weekend! I had to get up at like 7:50am on Saturday which wasn't so fun, but it was for a good reason - TRACK RECRUITS! haha God how I LOVE track :D Only 3 could make it, when usually we have nearly 30 or so! (Spring Breaks and the Indoor Track National Meet were on that same day!) My fellow running buddy, Sannie, came with me to help Coach Cooper with giving tours and talking with the recruits. It was fun. Sannie and I have never given a campus tour before, and shockingly we knew a lot more about Trine than originally thought! haha I did some quick research before giving the tour, but in the end, I thought we are Aces at it :P hehe Fast forward to that night, one of the guys from cross-country and track hosted his annual Techno Party, this year though at his villa instead of in the common area at one of the dorms. And surprisingly, it wasn't as cramped as I thought it would be! Those campus villa's are gorgeous! I LOVE techno music, so I was able to request a few songs and get the floor jumping with wicked tunes, so it was blast :) Yesterday, our Chinese class went to the Great Wall Restaurant just down the road. I carpooled with one of the guys and that was a lot of fun! I ate so freaken much! seriously, I thought I was gonna explode :P I tried to speak some Chinese while I was there, and I should have spoke more instead of shoving my face with more and more Chinese cuisine, but dudes, those Chinese donuts are to DIE FOR!!! haha
Well I totally regretting eating all that food when I had to wake up this morning at 5:55am to go to Air Force ROTC Mandatory PT (Physical Training) *yawn* I'm still trying to recover from the workout :P It wasn't too bad, but with it being that early, it's gonna take a bit out of ya, especially all that Chinese food I ate :P
So, yep! That's the up & up! This week is Women Appreciation week, so there's gonna be some cool activities going on to celebrate all the women that have made an impact in the world :) I'll be a busy bee that's for sure! Got my FT (Field Training) Retreat this weekend at a Navy Base, so in a nutshell, I'm going to be yelled at all weekend because I can't fold my clothes right. Yep, fun fun :P Actually, it's really gonna help prepare me for the real Field Training I'm gonna go through for 4 weeks this summer, so the yelling will pay off :)
Okay dudes, I better head on out to grab some grub :P I'll try to control myself this time, promise!
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