Monday, October 18, 2010


*yawn* ah, still haven't woken up on this chilly Monday, and i mean chilly! Yet there are still people who wear shorts and flip flops as if it's 80 degrees out! It's in the 50s dudes, bundle up ;) haha

Well, this weekend was fairly productive, two great games to see. We of course kicked butt in football, Trine 38 Alma 0! Woot woot! Lot's of close calls and sa-weet interceptions! At the girls soccer game we came up short, Trine 0 Alma 2, but they put up an awesome fight and the team overall has improved greatly this year!! Cross-country has improved this year too! They ran at Manchester on Saturday, sorry I couldn't be there, but great job you guys!

Let's see what else did I do..... OH! Trine Air Force ROTC went well on Sunday flight practice (marching training). We haven't been able to march color guard during the football games this year because we don't actually own the color guard gear so we have to rent them and we just can't get our hands on any!! But flight practice was fine, just calling out the commands and the freshmen are really holding up well. I'm still the only girl, but none of the cadets treat me any differently and I appreciate that GREATLY! but i've been working on a few girls this year so, I'm crossing my fingers!!!

My roommate and I watched Killers this weekend and sorry but I have to give it a 2 out of 5 stars. Ashton Kutcher just is not the "James Bond" type and come on, no woman finds their man that quick!!! :P and the storyline was really easy to foresee, but Katherine Heigl was hilarious! It's good maybe for a one-time only rental just to fill up your weekend, but not a buy.

Well peeps, I better call this one good. The weekend was very chill, just a nice breather from the hectic mid-terms week before so sleeping was a HUGE part of the weekend. haha And oh how I'd love to grab a few more hours of sleep but I better get ready for practice ;) yay running! I'm so sore from lifting yesterday, ugh... probably shouldn't have done that ;P but hey I gotta get ready for my Halloween costume (I'm gonna be Ms Marvel, look her up if you don't know her, which is probably everyone haha but she's awesome and my costume was shipped last week from China, so I hope to God it gets here in time, *bites nails*) so i'm buffing myself up :P
OH! and don't forget! It's Free Movie Monday!!! Either Case 39 or Let Me In, both scary movies. Case 39 is about this social worker that adopts a beaten girl after the parents are sent to prison for abuse charges but some evil entity seems to be trying to get to the girl or something. And Let Me In I've seen from previews is about this little vampire/evil girl (i guess she was in the movie Kick ummm.... Gluts!) that like eats people or something haha
I plan on seeing Case 39 so yep, hope it's good!
Alrighty, Peace Out!


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